Sunday, October 25, 2020

Being Nice - A Letter

I'm watching the movie Stakeout and I just realized why something you said tweeked me a little.

There's a scene in the movie where the woman tells the man he's "nice" and it really bugs him, cause he gets it all the time. He compares it being called "medium". 

My whole life I've been called nice, when I've been able to shove down my BPD tendencies at least and it's always kind of bothered me too. You only get so far by being nice. Maybe that's why I like it a little when my BPD takes over from time to time, why it feels good to let loose. 

Anyways, I know you didn't mean anything by it and I'm not upset or anything. It's just that you're the closest thing I have to a therapist in my life right now and I needed to let that out.

Stay warm. Be well.

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